January: points winner Mrfunnybunny  480     Year to January : points winner Mrfunnybunny  480     Quantum Leap: Jan 2025  Winner: sturner Runner Up: Mrfunnybunny   Galaxy: Dec 2024  Winner: Burnieboy Runner Up: Skeeves_Revenge Oct 2024  Consolation Winner: jdg_ Runner Up: ueyustick   Matterhorn: Sep 2024  Winner: Mrfunnybunny   144   Runner Up: Macunaima   138   Third: TonyH   138   Fourth: Capivaro   132     Saturday Night Gammon: Dec 2024  Playoffs Winner: stroggs Runner Up: Burnieboy Third: brspunky   Drizzle's LOC: Nov 2024  Playoffs Winner: Mrfunnybunny Runner Up: BRA__Valderi   Patriot Games: Dec 2024  Winner: Mrfunnybunny Runner Up: mixalich Oct 2024  Consolation Winner: ElTrebolion Runner Up: Mrfunnybunny   Warp 10: Sep 2024  Playoffs Winner: GloryDays Runner Up: Mrfunnybunny Third: mixalich   Esprit Teams: Apr 2023  Stage II Winner: The Jokers Runner Up: Fantastic Five Third: Pure Play Consolation Winner: Dice Infinity Runner Up:   Excalibur: Dec 2023  Winner: GloryDays Runner Up: skrat Nov 2021  1-Loss Winner: skrat Dec 2023  Runner Up: TonyH   Last Man Standing: May 2024  Winner: Super Jokers Runner Up: Fantastic Five

Esprit Tournament Rules

Format Entry Reserve Players Replacements
Replacements Forfeits Match Play Playing Sites
Playing Sites Profiles Appeals Committee Tie Breakers
Tie Breakers Web-based Rules

Format The Esprit Teams is an open 2-stage event for teams with five to ten members. Players may be added to the line-up after the start of the event but the total number of players over the course of the event may not exceed 10. Up to one third of the team members (including the captain) may be designated as Reserve players. Players who are not participating in the current round may be designated as Non-active. Such players may not be allocated any matches for that round.

Team captains are responsible for signing up their team members.
Team members confirm their signups on MyPage

Assignments of players in each round are subject to the following limitations:

No active member of a team should play more than twice the number of matches of another active member.
Reserve members are limited to play no more matches than any active member.
Non-active members are sidelined for that round and may not play any matches.

Stage 1: Played over 8 weeks, commencing once Captains assignments are complete.

Each team (regardless of the number of team members) will play sixty 11-point matches.

One player in each match is assigned by the host from Active members of opposing teams. Assignments are made in rotation so that each team receives the same number of host assignments (to within 1).

The other player is assigned by the team captain subject to the above limitations:

No active member of a team should play more than twice the number of matches of another active member.
Reserve members are limited to play no more matches than any active member.

Captains will have 3 days to complete their match assignments.

Stage II: Each round will be conducted over 2 weeks.

8 team elimination series - 13 pt matches. Finals 15pt matches.

Teams will be ranked at the end of Stage I. This ranking remains in effect for all of Stage II. In Round 1 of the playoffs the top ranked team will choose their opponents from the bottom 3 teams, followed by the second ranked team who chooses from the bottom 3 remaining teams and the third ranked team picks from the remaining 3 teams. In the following round the top ranked team will choose their opponents.

Each pair of teams will be allocated 21 matches. The lower ranked team will be allocated an extra away match assigned by the host.

Consolation: The remaining teams from Stage I will enter an elimination Consolation bracket. Each round will be conducted over 2 weeks.

8 team elimination series - 11 pt matches. Finals 13pt matches.

The losing teams in Round 1 of Stage II will enter the Consolation in Round 2 to play the winning teams from Consolation Round 1 so that there will be 4 rounds total.

Entry Teams will be signed up by the captain of the team from the signup link on MyPage. You may choose a previously used team name which has a stored logo or choose a new one and email the logo to the host: cindy@warpgammon.com. Logos may be any size but will be displayed with maximum height 300 pixels.

All team members must have existing Warp player names for successful signup. The team captain can edit the playing team until the start of the tournament. Individual players must confirm their entry by using the 'Confirm' link on MyPage.

Reserve Players Up to one third of participating team members (including the Captain) in each round may be designated as Reserve players. Players may be marked as Reserves on the Captain's signup page. These players do not receive initial assignments and are assigned to Home matches as the Captain sees fit provided the number of matches does not exceed the number of any active (non-reserve) player.

Where a player cannot meet his playing commitments he may also be downgraded to a Reserve. Reserve and Active players may be adjusted after the end of Stage I and before the start of of each round in Stage II. Reserve players cannot be upgraded to Active status during the course of a particular round.

Replacements If a player, due to extenuating circumstances, is unable to complete his matches, the team captain may nominate players in his team of similar or lesser standard to replace him, subject to the opposing captain's approval and provided the rule regarding the number of matches per player is not contravened. Consideration in replacement of one player with another will be online ratings and live match tournament results. A player who is unable to meet the player rule due to extenuating circumstances may be downgraded to Reserve status provided there are no more than 3 Reserves, or withdrawn from the remainder of the competition. Replacements can only be made if there is a legitimate and unforseen reason, not for strategic reasons. If a player cannot be replaced with a team member of similar or lesser standing then his matches will be forfeited.

Forfeits Forfeits will be determined based on scheduling emails. If your opponent does not show at the scheduled time you may register this by using the No Show button in the Pending Matches table on MyPage. Scheduling emails sent later than 2 days before the end of the round will not be considered unless a prior email has been sent to that opponent.
A played win = 1 point. A played loss = 0.3 points.
A forfeit win = 0.6 points. A forfeit loss = 0 points
A no result (both players have made a serious attempt to get the match played but it hasn't happened) = 0.3 for each player

Playing sites Players may schedule to play on any mutual agreed site that has true random dice. In your profile you can add playing sites that you have logins on and are willing to play on.

Profiles Players should complete the information in their profiles including their scheduling times and available playing sites. The Warp Gammon scheduling form eliminates the need to cope with differences in time zones and scheduling is very easy once players have their information stored.

Appeals Committee In the event of any dispute, the host will make a ruling. If the matter is material, either player or team may appeal. The host will convene a committee of an odd number of knowledgeable and impartial persons. The committee will define its own rules of procedure and render a decision, which will be binding on all parties. The committee must present a decision which clearly defines the actions to be taken within the time frame specified by the host, and may impose any additional penalties it deems fair for egregious conduct or abuse of the appeals process.

This would allow a one-person committee (if both sides agree), for relatively minor decisions such as replacement of players in a team with another player.

Tie Breakers In the event of a tie in Stage I, the team which won more matches against their opponent will win prevail; if the Stage I series was tied, a single playoff match will be played with each team naming their player, but it must be played within 48 hours.

General Web-based Tournament Rules All rules pertaining to conduct of web-based tournaments will be as provided in the Warp Gammon Web-based Tournament rules.   Players should pay particular attention to policies regarding scheduling:  scheduling standards.

Tournament Host The host for this event is Cindy (cindybel).

As this is a new event, the host may deviate from the established rules after consultation with the team captains, if doing so would enhance the event as a fair test of backgammon skill and luck, and would be manifestly more fair to a substantial majority of the participants.”

Warp Gammon points
Match points: 7 points in Stage I. 9 points in Stage II.

Gold points: 75 points for each member of the winning team, 55 points for each member of the runner up team, 45 for each member of the third placed teams. 45 points for the winner of the Consolation and 25 points for the runner-up.

Host Authority The tournament host has full authority to resolve all disputes.  If the host is not immediately available, you may contact any Warp Gammon host to report the problem.

The tournament host may, where a situation presents itself, modify or depart from the published rules to resolve situations that may compromise the integrity of the event. This will occur only in the cases of unanticipated situations, peculiarities pertaining to internet backgammon play, or where a variation would be manifestly fairer to a large number of players.

Where a decision involves the tournament host, or a decision by the host be challenged, it may, should the interested parties prefer, be resolved by a third party agreeable to all concerned.

Any registration may be refused for any reason or for no reason.

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