January: points winner Mrfunnybunny  480     Year to January : points winner Mrfunnybunny  480     Quantum Leap: Jan 2025  Winner: sturner Runner Up: Mrfunnybunny   Galaxy: Dec 2024  Winner: Burnieboy Runner Up: Skeeves_Revenge Oct 2024  Consolation Winner: jdg_ Runner Up: ueyustick   Matterhorn: Sep 2024  Winner: Mrfunnybunny   144   Runner Up: Macunaima   138   Third: TonyH   138   Fourth: Capivaro   132     Saturday Night Gammon: Dec 2024  Playoffs Winner: stroggs Runner Up: Burnieboy Third: brspunky   Drizzle's LOC: Nov 2024  Playoffs Winner: Mrfunnybunny Runner Up: BRA__Valderi   Patriot Games: Dec 2024  Winner: Mrfunnybunny Runner Up: mixalich Oct 2024  Consolation Winner: ElTrebolion Runner Up: Mrfunnybunny   Warp 10: Sep 2024  Playoffs Winner: GloryDays Runner Up: Mrfunnybunny Third: mixalich   Esprit Teams: Apr 2023  Stage II Winner: The Jokers Runner Up: Fantastic Five Third: Pure Play Consolation Winner: Dice Infinity Runner Up:   Excalibur: Dec 2023  Winner: GloryDays Runner Up: skrat Nov 2021  1-Loss Winner: skrat Dec 2023  Runner Up: TonyH   Last Man Standing: May 2024  Winner: Super Jokers Runner Up: Fantastic Five

Web-based Tournament Rules

These rules have been developed over time after discussion with participating players. Associated events (currently Beat The PROs and Saturday Night Gammon) have autonomy to work under their own rules.

Entry Playing Venues Brackets
Scheduling Standards Reporting your win Forfeits
Playing your Match Late Arrival Slow Play
Boots Kibitzers Unintentional Errors
Abusive Behaviour Disputes Host Authority

To register you must have a valid Warp Gammon name. New players can sign up here. Registration for an event is then via the signup link for on MyPage

You are expected to complete all of your matches. If you do not play all your matches, you may be excluded from future web-based Warp Gammon Tournaments.

Unless specifically stated otherwise elsewhere in Warp Gammon Tournament's rules, you may enter the tournament using only one player name.  If you enter more than once, you may be disqualified from the tournament.

Playing Venues Our default site is Safe Harbor Games in the Doubling Cube room but you may play your web-based WarpGammon Tournament matches on any backgammon venue that you and your opponent agree on which has true random dice.  Other acceptable sites are Grid Gammon, GammonSite, Piranha Zone or SimplyBg:.

Please add the sites you are available to play on to your profile and the nics you play under.

Brackets Your assigned matches will appear in the Pending Matches table on MyPage. It will also have the date due. You can schedule and report matches from this table.
Scheduling Standards Your Warp Gammon tournament match must be played before the deadline for the round.  Please notify the tournament host promptly if you require an extension. The tournament host may at his discrection allow an extension if time permits but is under no obligation to do so.

As a general guideline, round robin events should be scheduled by the middle of the round if the match has not been played. For eliminations events where round deadlines are short you should schedule within the first 2 days to allow time for your opponent to respond and settle on a time.

To schedule with your opponent use the Scheduling buttons in the Pending Matches table on MyPage.  The tournament host receives copies of all scheduling emails you send.

You should add your normal scheduling times to your profile to assist with scheduling. Once you have done this you do not need to send your scheduling times in your scheduling emails. The scheduling time, in your own time zone, will then be displayed in the Pending Matches table.

You should try to schedule at least two days in advance to give your opponent time to respond. Do not leave scheduling until the last day. The host is entitled to disregard scheduling emails that are sent on the day the match is to be played. For round robin events, emails sent in the last 2 days will be disregarded.

Reporting your win You must report your tournament match win using the Report buttons in the Pending Matches table on MyPage. Please post your results within 24 hours after you completed your match.

If you mis-report please contact the host immediately so the result and ratings record can be reversed.

You cannot report a match result that has not been played. It is illegal to 'give' a win to another player if the match hasn't been played.

Forfeits You do NOT need to request a forfeit win. All forfeits are based upon information contained in scheduling emails.

The allocation of a forfeit will look at the efforts of both players to get the match played. There are 3 types of forfeits:
   This is allocated if one party has clearly shown better attempts to get the match played.
   This is allocated if neither party or scheduled the match or the first scheduled email is made within the last day for elimination events or the last 2 days for round robin events.
   This is allocated if both players have made genuine attempts to get the match played but it has not occurred. In this case a lesser penalty is awarded.

Playing your match Your match is considered started when both you and your opponent click the dice. Once started, the match should be played to completion unless there is a prior agreement between players or there is an unforeseen emergency or interruption to the internet. There are NO grounds for interrupting a match on trivial grounds such as you feel the dice are against you or any other such reason. This seriously inconveniences your opponent.

If players have more than one match of the same length to play in different events, they must agree on which match is being played before starting. Note that the same match result cannot be used to post in more than one event.

Each game must be rolled to completion, unless ended by passing a double or redouble, or conceding a no-contact position as a single game, gammon or backgammon loss. If a player concedes early the other player must reject. Neither matches nor games may be canceled, replayed or settled.

Clocks: The default settings for a match will be NORMAL CLOCKS unless both players agree to play without.
ALSO NOTE: A player may request a brb at the end of a game but neither player should press Roll until he returns. This way the clock will stay suspended.

Doubling: You must set Auto Doubles to "OFF". You may double unless the Crawford rule is in effect.  Most programs handle this automatically.

Resignations: You must complete all games unless it is clear that one side cannot win. In this case the losing player must resign a reasonable number of points. It is considered unethical and cheating to resign a single game when gammon is overwhelmingly likely.

Series events such as Galaxy and Excalibur must be played to the completion of the series, not settled by a single match. All matches must be set to the correct number of points.

All matches should be played on sites or in rooms considered to have dice that mirror real dice.   If played on Safe Harbor Games this includes any Yellow Dice room.

Matchlogs Players must be prepared to send completed matchlogs in the case of a disputed outcome.

Disconnects If a player disconnects you should wait at least 10 minutes before rescheduling or accepting other match requests.

Late Arrival If your opponent is late, you should wait at least 10 minutes after the scheduled start time.  Please document your opponent's failure to show by using the Scheduling Email Form. However, you must NOT report a missed match unless the match time has been confirmed by your opponent.

Failure to play your scheduled matches, or not showing at all, is very disruptive to the WarpGammon Tournament, as well as indicates poor sportsmanship.  Therefore, if you are often late or don't show for your scheduled matches, you may not be allowed to enter other web-based WarpGammon Tournaments for some period of time.

Slow Play

If you or your opponent cannot play at a reasonable pace for any reason, you should stop playing the match and continue at another time. In general, you should allow 7 to 8 minutes for each match point. For example, you should expect an 11 point match to take about 77 to 88 minutes.

Boots You will be considered to be booted when you are unable to continue the game play.  If your opponent boots, you are expected to allow your opponent a minimum of 20 minutes to return from a boot.  If your opponent does not return in 20 minutes, you must reschedule the match and complete it as soon as possible.

If you are playing on a money server, please remember that booted matches are resolved after a short time period and for this reason you should consider carefully where your play. Attempt to get a screen shot of the board as it was when the boot occurred. We WILL NOT hold you to results based on a boot time-out. Unrestoreable matches will be addressed the same way as a software malfunction as described in the Disputes section.

There are no boot limits.

Kibitzers Neither player may set NO KIBITZERS or block any individual player in the event from kibitzing. All players have the right to watch (and learn) from other players matches, provided they do not disturb the play.

A player may, upon notifying his opponent, set the table settings to SILENCE or IGNORE.

Unintentional Errors Players are responsible for playing to the posted match length. If the incorrect match score has been set it must be reset after the first game if detected before this point. After that point the match score may, by consent of both players, be reset after the termination of the current game. If one player dissents then the match will be played to completion at the original settings.

Where a player unintentionally accepts a double when it is obvious that he would not accept, or unintentionally resigns when he intended to double, he should alert his opponent immediately. By consent the error may be corrected. While your opponent is not obliged to correct, it is considered unethical to capitalise on unintentional errors.

Abusive Behaviour Players are expected to play their matches in a cordial and sportsmanlike manner. Abusive comments, comments about your opponent's luck or other derogatory comments will not be tolerated either in the lobby, at the table or in emails. Repeated occurrences of such behaviour will lead to a suspension. Further occurrences will result in a permanent ban from events.

All matches must be played in compliance with the rules of the game site. If you violate the site's rules you may be disqualified from the Warp Gammon Tournament.

Disputes If there is a software malfunction in a game that prevents you from obtaining a valid result, you may settle with your opponent in any mutually agreeable way. If you cannot agree on a settlement, stop the match play and contact a Warp Gammon Tournament Host. The Warp Gammon Tournament Host will determine a settlement which, as closely as possible, gives each player the match-winning chances they would have had if the irregularity had not occurred.

If you have a dispute, bring it immediately to the attention of the WarpGammon Tournament Host.  If the Host is not available, please contact any WarpGammon Host to report the incident.  Disputes will be heard by an impartial and knowledgeable committee if appropriate.

Host Authority The tournamenthost has full authority to resolve all disputes.  If the host is not immediately available, you may contact any Warp Gammon host to report the problem.

The tournament host may, where a situation presents itself, modify or depart from the published rules to resolve situations that may compromise the integrity of the event. This will occur only in the cases of unanticipated situations, peculiarities pertaining to internet backgammon play, or where a variation would be manifestly fairer to a large number of players.

Where a decision involves the tournament host, or a decision by the host be challenged, it may, should the interested parties prefer, be resolved by a third party agreeable to all concerned.

Copyright @ 2005 www.warpgammon.com ~ All right reserved.