Whanganui is a bi-monthly 6-round Swiss format event.
Match lengths are 11 points
and scores are based upon the loser's match score. A players score for a match is based on the loser's
match score. The loser receives his match score while the winner
receives 30 - loser's score. In the second and subsequent rounds
players are ranked by the cumulative scores with the top scoring
players paired together and so on down the line to the lowest
scoring players. No player will play the same opponent twice
in the same tournament.
For the first 4 rounds, when a match has not been
played by the deadline a forfeit score of up to 20 points will
be awarded each player, dependent on the scheduling efforts
of each player. Matches scheduled late will not receive the
maximum award.
In the final 3 rounds a maximum forfeit score will
be awarded of up to 20 points or the player's average score
in the first 5 rounds, whichever is the greater.
Forfeited matches may be played during the following
round for the first 4 rounds, in which case the match score
will replace the forfeit scores. Players who need an extension
for the final 3 rounds must contact the host.